What images come to mind when someone mentions animals on the homestead? Chickens, right? Maybe goats? Not many people consider the benefit that ducks can provide. In fact, they can usually be an easier starter animal for beginners. I've been raising both Pekin and...
raising ducks
Ducks vs Chickens: 10 Incredible Pros and Cons for Raising Each
Are you trying to decide if you should raise ducks vs chickens on your homestead? When it comes to backyard poultry, there are many options to choose from. Chickens and ducks are two of the most popular types of birds, but which one is right for you? This article will...
The Complete Guide to Raising Ducks for Beginners
Ducks are a great addition to any backyard flock. They are friendly, economical, and beautiful. However, they do have some unique needs that must be taken into account when raising them. This guide on raising ducks for beginners will discuss some of the most important...
Raising Ducks for Eggs
Ducks are growing in popularity as the latest additions to backyard homesteads; however, there is still some apprehension when it comes to eating duck eggs. For those who have dared to venture outside of their comfort zones, many have found they prefer the rich flavor...
Our New Saxony Ducks
We started our foray into ducks two years ago. At that time, I was sold four ducklings which I was told were Buff ducks. However, as they grew, I came to realize that they did not match the breed description for Buffs. Instead, they more closely...
Our New Ducklings
We have a couple of new additions here on the farm. Tractor Supply Company is currently having their "Chick Days." I've been on the lookout for ducklings for months and this was my chance. Tractor Supply allows you to get a minimum of two ducklings....