egg recipes

Learn more about egg recipes on The Not So Modern Housewife.
Cast Iron Vegetable Frittata

Cast Iron Vegetable Frittata

Summer is a time of excess eggs and vegetables. With such an abundance of both, it's a great time to combine the two in a vegetable frittata. As a base, I like to use onions, peppers, and tomatoes. This recipe also calls for sliced mushrooms because they are a...

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It just wouldn't be Christmas without eggnog. Every year, I shamelessly indulge in the store-bought, non-alcoholic version as soon as it appears on shelves. Since I was on a holiday recipe kick, I decided to finally try making it from scratch. Now, I will say that I...

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Midweek Fried Rice

Midweek Fried Rice

I call this Midweek Fried Rice because it's just thrown together with whatever I happen to have in the fridge, pantry or freezer.  In this case, I used a frozen Italian vegetable mix that I happened to have on-hand with snow peas, lima beans, zucchini, carrots and...

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Six-Strand Braided Challah Bread

Six-Strand Braided Challah Bread

Challah bread is a braided enriched dough made with eggs. It is traditionally a six-strand braided loaf, but can also be made into round loaves or 3- or 4-strand braids. Not only are the braided loaves impressive looking, they are perfect for family meals where pieces...

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Peppermint Crunch Ice Cream

Peppermint Crunch Ice Cream

Every year, my husband impatiently awaits the arrival of peppermint ice cream at the local grocery store every Christmas. It is like a food holiday (it ranks right up there with the first bags of candy corn being sold before Halloween). I finally got an ice cream...

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