DIY Organizational Fridge Magnets

Jun 24, 2024 | Homestead Life | 1 comment

One of my New Years resolutions is to get more organized.  Probably the most difficult thing for me each day is sticking to my routine and getting everything done.  I made these organizational refrigerator magnets to help me stay motivated and serve as reminders of what to do.  The idea for some of the magnets came from this Pin from Crafts Unleashed.  I also borrowed some of my routines from The Fly Lady.  Print these onto printable magnetic sheets and cut them out.  Then keep them on your fridge or a magnetic board to serve as reminders.

Organizational magnets

Here’s now I’ve laid the magnets out on my fridge.  I cut the To Do and Done magnets out with an Exacto knife.  I write my Weekly Goal and Habit of the Month on a note card, then use the magnet to hold it in place.  The tasks can be moved from To Do to Done as they are completed, then moved back under To Do every day or as they need completed.  Also, I print out the week’s menu and the dinner recipe and put them under This Week’s Menu and What’s for Dinner.  The Clean/Dirty magnet is for the dish washer so there isn’t any more confusion about if the dishwasher has been run.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to re-run a load of dishes because dirty dishes were loaded in with the clean ones.

Organizational magnets
Organizational magnets

I have the magnets in a Publisher file.  If you would like to customize the magnets to your routine, email me and I’ll send you the Publisher file.  Looking for more ways to get organized?  Check out my Homemaking & Organization board on Pinterest.

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Bonnie Von Dohre, founder of The Not So Modern Housewife, sharing gardening and homesteading tips for intentional and self-sufficient living.

Hi, I'm Bonnie

I'm a homesteading mom passionate about living simply and intentionally while embracing life’s twists and turns.

My journey hasn’t always gone as planned—between raising animals, managing a Florida garden, and navigating health challenges, I’ve learned that resilience and adaptability are key to creating a meaningful life.

I believe in finding joy in the mess, grace in the setbacks, and purpose in the everyday. Curious about how I got here?